
“Having this water fountain here in Mahwane is great progress for people living on the surroundings hills as they didn’t have access to potable water. We no longer have to go to the river to fetch water. Clean water is a rare commodity for most […]


“I see great benefits of this kitchen garden, I can get vegetable to feed my family and I also get other types of seeds to add on to it. I used to hear about the kitchen garden, but I never thought I would have my […]


“The association Twiteho Umukenyezi Yibugenze, initiated by Shekinah Center, has given our families so many benefits. The association has gifted us a goat to help us to care for ourselves and our household. We have already experienced the benefits of owning the goats. We get […]

Presentation of Certificates

Presentation of Certificates to women who have been trained in soap production techniques and who in turn will train other women. Remise des certificats aux femmes qui ont suivi ma formation sur les techniques de fabrication de savons. Ces femmes vont à leur tour former […]

Official handover ceremonies for the donation.

Official handover ceremonies for the donation of the Soap Factory offered by UNESCO to Shekinah School. Ceremonies were enhanced by Her Excellency the Minister of Social Affairs. Cérémonies officielles de remise du don de Savonnerie Artisanale “INASUKU” offert à Shekinah School par l’#Unesco. Cérémonies rehaussées […]