⬛ Shekinah School strongly believes that Girls’ Education is a Power Promoter of Social Justice and that all obstacles to their progress and academic success must be removed. To educate a Girl is to educate a Nation ! ⚫Shekinah School croit fortement que l’éducation des […]
⬛ 2020-2021 an exceptional School Year in which the 1st Promotion of Shekinah School passed the National Exam and obtained the 1st place at the Communal and Provincial Level !The results vary between 86.5% and 70% 👏🏻 “Every Child we teach is a man we […]
🔵This Medical Check up was very special : Shekinah School welcomed a Volunteer Specialist Doctor Claudette Muyubira – Pediatrician who came to serve the Children of Shekinah.Her Volunteering is an admirable gesture, highly appreciated and an inspiration for all those who wish to do the […]
Creation of A School Laboratory at Shekinah School aiming to :-Instill a Sense of Observation and Accuracy. -Learn to bridge Theory to Practice. -Promote interest in Sciences & Technologies. La création d’un Laboratoire Scolaire à Shekinah school dans le but de : -Développer un […]
Harvest of Sukumawiki, potatoes and carrots 🎉🎉🎉Always highlighted Healthy eating and positive transformation in nutritional diet within the community of #Shekinah_School. Recolte de Sukumawiki, pommes de terre et carottes 🎉🎉🎉Toujours en mettant en avant Une alimentation saine et Une transformation positive en ce qui concerne […]
That’s how we embraced 2021 with a multiplication A big welcome to the 11 new piglets at #Shekinah_Piggery_project. Aiming more manure for school gardens and more finances to manage #Shekinah_School.
Une nouvelle semence de legume vert appelé “SUKUMAWIKI” en provenance du Kenya vient d’être introduite dans les champs scolaires de #Shekinah avec une adaptation facile au climat et au sol de Rusaka/Mwaro🙌🏻🙌🏻 cette plante est très riches en apports nutritionnel et apres 1 mois 1/2 […]
Dans le cadre de promouvoir une alimentation saine, #Shekinah School a mis en place des champs scolaires qui encouragent les parents, les élèves et toute la communauté Shekinah à travailler ensemble pour promouvoir une alimentation saine et une transformation positive au niveau des habitudes alimentaires.Des […]