Presentation of Certificates

Presentation of Certificates to women who have been trained in soap production techniques and who in turn will train other women. Remise des certificats aux femmes qui ont suivi ma formation sur les techniques de fabrication de savons. Ces femmes vont à leur tour former […]

Official handover ceremonies for the donation.

Official handover ceremonies for the donation of the Soap Factory offered by UNESCO to Shekinah School. Ceremonies were enhanced by Her Excellency the Minister of Social Affairs. Cérémonies officielles de remise du don de Savonnerie Artisanale “INASUKU” offert à Shekinah School par l’#Unesco. Cérémonies rehaussées […]

2022 Grassroots Award

I have been nominated to receive “2022 Grassroots Award” by american NGO “Segal Family Foundation” on 22nd, September in New York City. This Award is given to people who impact their community and transform their daily life. I am thankful to God for His Grace […]

2022 ROCKSTARS !!!

The reward system for students who have distinguished themselves in their behavior & in academic effort is a tool used for positive reinforcement to increase performance & to modify students bad behaviors ! ……… Les prix de recompense offerts aux élèves qui se sont bien […]