
“When I got married and joined my husband in his family compound with these parents as our custom demands, I discovered that there was not enough cultivable land for all of us. We did not have enough crops and our children could not eat at […]

Clean water

The Shekinah scheme also comprises a clean water project consisting of creating and sustaining reliable sources of clean water across the community of Rusaka. Thanks to water drilling system and an 8 m3/hour water pump, Shekinah Center is able to store up to 18,000 L […]

Nutritional health and Reproductive health

The HealthCare division covers the nutritional health of students and promotes sexual and reproductive health (SRH). On the one hand, this program facilitates a careful monitoring of students’ health and growth through collection of Body Mass Index figures in order to reduce effects and symptoms […]


Shekinah School is at the core of Shekinah Centre’s program to offer excellent education to children from vulnerable backgrounds who do not have access to it. To achieve this, infrastructures are built every year to accommodate more pupils and optimize their learning experience. Teachers dispense […]

House construction

“Before joining the savings and loans group, I lived in a small house with a deteriorated roof. Whenever it rained especially during the night, the whole family would wake up to find a place to shelter where there was no rainwater penetration. This situation prevented […]

Solar energy

“I noticed that my children had difficulty doing their homework on a candle. This candle not only did not give enough light, but it was quickly extinguished. I set myself the goal of saving more in my VSLA group to be able to apply for […]


We were trained on nutrition , how to build and maintain a kitchen garden, sexual health and family planning which resulted on the improvement of our family’s life especially on the health of our children because the way we feed them. My husband and I […]