60 young people from Rusaka Village have been trained on how to make Jams, Donuts & Pancakes ! …. “Camp d’Été organisé par Shekinah Center” 60 Jeunes ont appris comment faire des Confitures, des Beignets et des Crêpes !

60 young people from Rusaka Village have been trained on how to make Jams, Donuts & Pancakes ! …. “Camp d’Été organisé par Shekinah Center” 60 Jeunes ont appris comment faire des Confitures, des Beignets et des Crêpes !
The reward system for students who have distinguished themselves in their behavior & in academic effort is a tool used for positive reinforcement to increase performance & to modify students bad behaviors ! ……… Les prix de recompense offerts aux élèves qui se sont bien […]
Empowering the girl in public speaking is one of the means of fighting against social discrimination based on gender ! Go ahead you can !!! ……… Promouvoir la fille dans la prise de parole en public est un des moyens de lutte contre la discrimination […]