The Honorable Minister of Social Affairs visited Shekinah Center….thanks for your encouragement! At the same time, Shekinah received special and good friends from Communities of Hope, Giving Hands & UCBUM, so thankful to your Love & Support !

The Honorable Minister of Social Affairs visited Shekinah Center….thanks for your encouragement! At the same time, Shekinah received special and good friends from Communities of Hope, Giving Hands & UCBUM, so thankful to your Love & Support !
“I grew up admiring Micheline Barandereka, Founder of the Shekinah Center in Burundi. Micheline dedicated her whole life to the rural poor of Burundi. The Shekinah Center provides education to rural children. It’s not how much Micheline gives to “her children,” but how much love she […]
Un honneur à la Fondatrice et Directrice de Shekinah Center de participer au débat animé par la Représentante de la Banque Mondiale au Burundi pour célébrer la Journée Internationale des droits de la Femme. An honor to the Founder & CEO of Shekinah Center to […]